Bethel Christian Academy seeks to provide an atmosphere of learning for students, parents, and staff that promotes the teachings of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, while providing an environment conducive for individuals to flourish and build a foundation that will support superior academics.
Students are exposed to studies required in order to excel in higher education, the marketplace, and to contribute to the society in which we live. The eternal value of Bethel Christian Academy and our desire to provide instruction based on the Word of God cannot be measured in human terms.
Bethel Christian Academy was founded upon the concept that we, as people, are part of the creation of God, and that God loved us so much that He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus, to redeem us from our sins, giving us His Holy Word for instruction. BCA students pray and engage in daily Bible study and memorization.
The King James Bible is considered the ultimate “textbook,” providing wisdom for each and every circumstance. Scripture is studied and memorized, so that it may be accurately and regularly applied to daily life. Weekly Chapel services welcome all students, faculty, staff, and parents.
Christian character is nurtured every minute of every day. Teaching is viewed as a gift, and children are precious gifts from God. Our teachers are given the tools to inspire excellence. Teachers are considered a vital component of the learning process, and opportunities to interact with teachers are maximized. Teachers do their best to plan interactive lessons that align with state and national standards using specific school approved curriculum. Teachers evaluate student growth and measure academic success annually using nationally recognized tests.
All teachers, staff, and board members are professing Christians in word and deed, and we believe it is our duty to answer the calling GOD has placed on our lives in Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” We believe parents are ultimately accountable to God for the upbringing and education of their children. Therefore it is the parents’ responsibility to correct any discipline issues that hinder school success and to ensure that students come to school ready to learn and work hard.
Bethel Christian Academy students are successful because parental involvement is promoted and encouraged and the staff at Bethel Christian Academy take the initiative to be innovative and instruct in righteousness. Bethel Christian Academy offers the opportunity for academic success and an encouraging learning environment is respected by all.